A Note About Getting the Worm

Canada PostI hate the morning. Maybe that’s because I also love the night, and have a tendency to stay up too late.

Last night, my temporary roommate Eddie (or, more correctly, the new permanent roommate) came home around midnight, loaded to the gills. We had a couple beers and tried to get his PlayStation2 working, but ended up watching the animated Final Fantasy movie instead. Eddie fell asleep within minutes, and I went to bed around 3:30am.

So today I wasn’t up very early, and put off sending in my TB test and birth certificate to teacher’s college until 5pm. The 2-day ExpressPost letter costs $7.99. But the woman at the Post Office informed me that the ExpressPost mail gets picked up at 4:30pm. Now the only way to get the letter there by Friday is with Priority Courier: $17.99. If I’d been an hour less lazy, I’d have another $10 to spend on beer and Kraft Dinner.

A lesson to take with me back to school, I suppose.

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