Tivo or not Tivo?
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on May 14th, 2005
One evening we saw that a new episode of Arrested Development was just about to start. We tuned in, and when the commercials came on, we were both quite annoyed when the fast forward feature didn’t work, because it was live TV. It was a moment when we both realized how desensitized people are to commercials, and how annoying they would be if you hadn’t already been trained to accept them as part of your media experience.
My First 5K Run
Posted by yoursinwriting in Articles on May 9th, 2005
This last Mother’s Day, I decided to do something a little different. My mom isn’t in the same city as me, so to do my part, besides my annual phone call and list of thank yous, I ran in the Forzani Mother’s Day Run.
Happy Mother’s Day
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on May 8th, 2005
Two recent phenomenon have given me new insight into today’s significance. Firstly, many of my female friends have recently become moms, and I have seen what they go through in bringing up the kids. Secondly, a rather traditional colleague of mine, after having to care for his kids full-time while his wife recovered from surgery, came to work exhausted and declared Mother’s Day “the most important holiday of the year.”
Mother’s Day, 2005
Posted by yoursinwriting in Articles on May 8th, 2005
Thank you for letting me slide down the stairs wrapped up in a sleeping bag, over and over and over again, even though the noise was probably driving you crazy.
My Subconscious, the Prankster
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on May 2nd, 2005
I had a crazy dream last night. I was teaching my first period math class, and the lights weren’t working well, so the room was very dark.
Fuck the Rule of Thumb
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on May 1st, 2005
Sometimes the truth isn’t very much fun. Like today, when I was reading about fake etymologies (word origins) and urban legends on the Wikipedia site. It turns out that all those great, commonly accepted stories about the history of the words/phrases “fuck,” “pome,” “posh,” and “rule of thumb” are lacking in verifiable evidence. Personally, I’m Read the full article…
Some People Wait a Lifetime
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on April 22nd, 2005
Had an amazing day at school. At a lunchtime pep rally, our student council presented UNICEF with a cheque for $4000. The UNICEF representative explained that this money would be used to buy “School in a Box”-es that would educate almost 2000 children in Tsunami affected areas– our fundraising was helping to improve the lives Read the full article…
Clare Has Great Breasts
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on April 9th, 2005
Right now Clare is standing over my shoulder asking how I update my web site. I told her I would write this simply to mortify her. She has just said, quite confidently, that I am not going to do it. I most certainly am.
Boycott Michael Bublé
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on March 15th, 2005
A friend introduced me to Michael Bublé’s music tonight. Michael is a Canadian singer with three CDs of other people’s music. I am usually supportive of new Canadian artists, but I have to put my foot down on this one. Far from adding to the pool of artistic diversity, Bublé merely reproduces the golden oldies, Read the full article…
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