Where Getting Up Early Got Me

Sometimes the Worm Brings Gifts

A couple of years ago, I decided to change careers. I quit my geeking job, and went back to teachers’ college after an enlightening experience helping a group of high school students. It never occurred to me that this was a risky decision, though my friends and colleagues have said as much. All I knew was that the prospect made me happy.

Some interesting things have happened since.

For one, teaching is tough when you are a night person. I tried to make my daily wake up time 5am after reading an inspiring series of articles that spoke to my hatred of the morning. It wreaked havoc with me for a while, but the idea made me happy, and I am now getting up daily at 6am (a compromise from my previous 7am start). This makes me happy.

Getting up earlier allows me to take the bus to work: I can read my book, listen to music, and bypass traffic jams. Despite the fact that I make two connections from my house to the school, my travel time is only about 5 minutes longer than when I drove. Plus, I save a couple hundred dollars on my insurance by taking off the work-use rider, and I’m unaffected by the spiralling price of oil. Before I went to public transit, I weighed these benefits; while the idea made me happy, the reality has contributed to my contentment more than I could have anticipated.

Ed’s Note: Are you seeing a pattern here?

Getting up early also gives me more time. So I started to think about getting my Masters of Education degree; I would enjoy the research, and it would also net me a hefty pay raise. Two problems: my Ontario degree and pitiful marks make getting into a program difficult, and the fact that I would have to pursue it part time would mean that I would either have to drive to the University for night courses, or pay a huge premium to do an online program. Then I read another article on the same site about initiating change in your life with positive thinking. To my binary, science-y mind, this was absolute rubbish. But the idea made me happy, so I kept thinking positive about it. Then a couple weeks ago, two amazing profs from the University of Calgary approached the staff here– out of the blue– and offered to develop a customized Masters program. They would teach the classes once a week, here at the school, after hours (read: no extra travel). They would charge normal course rates (read: no premium). They would allow me to apply as an “unclassified student” for the time being; after a few courses, my average would be high enough to be accepted into the Masters program, and I could count those courses towards the program requirements (read: drunken undergrad failures? No problem!). I am registering for September. I am getting my Masters.


I guess the point is this: follow your happiness, your passion, and your curiosity. The world will conspire to help you succeed, and in more ways than you could imagine.

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  1. #1 by Gillian - May 30th, 2006 at 01:37

    Wow. Good for you. I am impressed and thrilled for you.

    And I can’t agree more with that last paragraph.

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