My Mac “Switcher” Experience Part 4
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 21st, 2006
I got a new MacBook. Here’s what it looked like when I opened the box.
Chriss the Magiccian
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 20th, 2006
I was skeptical, but I have a kid in my class who is a magic addict. He told me that Chriss was the reason he got into magic, and that while some of the acts probably benefit from being filmed (read: they are faked with actors and deceptive editing), he has a good reputation of performing most of his stunts anywhere, anytime, in front of a live audience.
Unruly Joy
Posted by yoursinwriting in Poems on June 10th, 2006
Amy Lister is
ninety percent granola
ten percent sunshine
Joseph Cumming is
six parts concrete, three parts smile
one part jackrabbit
My Mac "Switcher" Experience: Deliverance
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 9th, 2006
Tracking my package on Fedex was like being a child and watching Santa’s progression to my house. Seriously, the last time I was this excited must have been a Christmas morning when I was very young. It’s sad, really, but good to know I can still feel this giddy.
My Mac “Switcher” Experience Special Update
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 6th, 2006
After yesterday’s rigamarole, I finally received my DVI-to-VGA adapter. It is very cool looking, even for an adapter. And yes, I know how geeky and pathetic that sounds.
My Mac "Switcher" Experience Part 3
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 6th, 2006
“I can go to the airport,” (where the station is), “show my ID, and get the package?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“But I can’t tell you, the delivery people, where to deliver the package, where you will also check my ID?”
“So as a package delivering company, you will do the ID checking part, but not the delivering part?”
More silence. The sound of frantic keyboard clicking.
“I mean,” I said calmly, “doesn’t that seem odd to you? That a customer would have to come to you to do the exact same thing that you would do if you went to them? Which is what you do? Delivering stuff? Doesn’t that seem… I dunno… a bit crazy?”
“Can I put you through to the Canadian support team?” she said.
My Mac "Switcher" Experience Mini Update
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 5th, 2006
My Apple gear has shipped! According to FedEx, the DVI-to-VGA adapter has already arrived in Calgary, so I may be receiving that tomorrow at school. The MacBook left Suzhou, China sometime yesterday, so no idea when it will arrive.
But considering it was supposed to ship in 7 days, and has now actually shipped in only three… maybe my subtle hinting paid off?
My Mac "Switcher" Experience Part 2
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 2nd, 2006
I called Apple, and the guy on the phone was as baffled as me. He checked two of the four numbers and assured me that everything was fine, I was not being billed that amount, and I should just ignore the email. So one strike against Apple for having an invoicing system with Tourette’s.
Microsoft Threatens to Help
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on June 1st, 2006
Just when you thought Micro$oft was as gross as they could be, they coat themselves in slime. A MS employee responsible for drumming up new consulting business approached a software customer with a pitch that sounded like the customer was violating their licensing agreement. In truth, the ploy was meant as a way to get “in” with the customer and sell them consulting services.
My Mac "Switcher" Experience
Posted by yoursinwriting in Everything Else on May 31st, 2006
After some initial trouble with my credit card, I was finally able to order my first Mac from the Apple Canada webstore: the new Apple MacBook. I waited on this purchase as long as I could, and it has paid off: the MacBook, announced only two weeks ago, has all the power of the MacBook Pro, at almost half the cost.
I wanted this machine in time to show my students what this Mac thing is all about. Most of them have never seen another operating system, and I want them to experience a Mac in all its glory before they make their next purchasing decision.
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