It’s OK to Punch Jerks

I have always had a problem with the non-violence advocates who say that no violence is good violence. A recent article in Esquire magazine speaks to my argument, that small, controlled bursts of violence can be good, not only to keep your stress level down, but also to make the average jerk think twice about expressing his inner jerkness.

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Rating My iTunes Library: 5120 Songs Later

I have finally assigned a ranking from one to five stars for every single track in my collection. 5120 songs. Yep. All done.

Why would I do such a silly thing, you ask?


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My Gruelling One-a-Year Poem Regimen

It’s been over a year, but I finally cranked out another poem. It’s been a while in the making, and I still don’t know if it’s just right, but nothing much ever is.

It’s called Correlations.


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There are correlations

between how far you have fallen in love
and how many cars will try to hit her



Why You Should Keep a Journal

Ten years ago, my friend Alan gave me a journal. I have never liked the idea of journals, but the strange thing is that when I make myself write in them, I enjoy it. I think my problem is that I just don’t like the idea of having to write in them.

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20/8 or 19/9

You may remember that I tried to do polyphasic sleeping a while back, and was sabotaged by my own brain.

Ed’s Note: Not that he’s weak and likes being curled up in a warm little ball with the possibility of erotic dreams. It was sabotage.

It turns out that the writer of one of my favourite web comics has another sleep suggestion for those with flexible schedules.

Make sure you leave your mouse over the comic to read the pop up text.

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Windows Live Hotmail: The Worst Email Client. Ever.

I’ve been using online email since the old days. Before you were born, even. Back when nerds knew that “HoTMaiL” was a play on “HTML-based email” and that actually impressed somebody. And it was great to get your email online. Even if you only got 25MB of space; it was plenty ’cause hardly anybody sent pictures or movies as attachments.

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Jamie Oliver is a God

MmmmmmI knew there was a reason I subscribed to Jamie Oliver’s podcast. After sitting through boring shows about pasta, holidays, and other crap, he whips up an awesome steak and salad thing that even I can cook. And love. In under 10 minutes. Seriously.

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Dinosaur Comics: A Lesson in Not Giving Yourself Away

Following on my last post about web comics, I wanted to mention another great one. Dinosaur Comics is a bizarre treat of clever and eccentric writing, over the exact same dinosaur drawings every day. That’s right, the panels never change, only the text. It’s one of those arbitrary restrictions that has created pure comic gold.


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XKCD: How Geeks Prevent Buyer’s Remorse

There are some great web comics out there. My favourite is xkcd, which is strongly targeted at the geekier demographic. But I particularly loved this one, which hit close to home, and explains why my technophobic friends always ask me to come to FutureShop with them.

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