Facebook Fast Fame Fiasco

The last seven days was a crash course in how the news operates. Apparently, if you can string together four words, and you happen to be peripherally within the scope of the news flavour of the week, you can get yer mug splashed across the media of your choice.

Here are the links to my interviews in the Globe and Mail (and the follow up discussion forum), on CTV National News, and on CBC Radio One (it’s the third audio clip).

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A Slow News Day: My Lent Facebook Fast Gets Press

If you got here from the Globe and Mail story, welcome! You can read all the posts related to my Facebook fast, and feel free to leave comments of encouragement or mockery.

Make yourself at home and poke around: I write about popular culture, finances, science and technology, arts, music and literature, health and nutrition, education and philosophy, family relationships and religious traditions, and occasionally indulge in poetry, purple prose, and persuasive rants and how to articles.

Settle in. Stay a while. Pass along your comments, questions and ideas.

And if you’re a regular visitor… hey Mom, I’m in the Globe and Mail!


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Forty Days Without Facebook: An Agnostic Tribute to Lent

I am obviously not religious. So why participate in Lent this year? Lots of reasons.

First, I’m trying lots of new self-improvement stuff. Second, I’m saying “yes” to things I used to dismiss. Third, I’m impulsive, and stubborn.

And a cute girl told me to.

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I’ve been working on a personal web project a lot this summer, and it’s finally ready for a beta run. I’ve sent out an invitation to many of my trusted friends and colleagues to beta test, and if you’re interested in becoming a beta tester, drop me an email and I’ll tell you how.

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BBQ vs. Vegetables Part 2

So I’m still eating reasonably healthy compared to my usual diet, and it tastes pretty good, too. My main complaint is that it takes a lot of prep to cook vegetables, and a lot of planning in terms of all the stuff you have to buy.

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Becoming a BBQ Vegetarian

I can’t imagine being a vegetarian– I love eating meat too much. But I say that the same way that any addict says they love their fix. Eating meat is as much habitual as it is nutritional, and I’m taking an overdue look at my eating habits.

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Mother’s Day Run Afterthoughts

Lots of folks have asked me how the run went. I know this is just out of politeness, but I thought I’d wrap up what happened.

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My Run For Your Money: Draw Results

Thanks to everybody who so graciously contributed to my run fundraising efforts. Click on the video below to watch the Official Draw Results.

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My Run for Your Money: Race Results

This year’s Mother’s Day Run was a great event, and the turnout was over 14,000 runners, walkers, and wheelchair racers. I know you don’t really give a shit about this– what you really care about is Where’s My Money?!?


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The Key to Comedy: Timing

Growing up, I can remember my dad saying on more than one occasion that every time he came into some extra cash, some expense, often unforeseen, would appear that was almost that exact amount. I rarely came into extra cash as a youth, and my emergency expenses were always my parents’, so this week has been a great confirmation that I am indeed becoming my father.

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